Voodoo lab analog chorus
Voodoo lab analog chorus

We would have preferred less of a boost or a control to let us adjust the signal level for ourselves.ĭepending on how we adjusted the knobs, the Analog Chorus generated both chorus sounds as well as tremolo effects. Two controls for adjusting the chorus are all you’ll find here, and this pedal deserves some kind of accolade for being the most adjustable pedal by way of socks! From the comfort of our chair, our foot easily rotated the knobs when we were feeling a bit too lazy to bend over and adjust the oversized knobs by hand.Įngaging the chorus resulted in a noticeable boost in volume. If you can’t figure out use of this pedal, you’re probably not the typical visitor. A sturdy aluminum box houses the chorus, and the On/Off switch is a metal, Carling-style switch. Voodoo Lab builds rugged pedals, and the Analog Chorus is no exception to the rule. For chorus purposes, this is all it really needs to capture the basic chorus tone of a CE-1.

voodoo lab analog chorus

The Analog Chorus isn’t a physical replica of the CE-1 – it’s a heck of a lot better looking! The classic CE-1 predates the familiar BOSS brick shape and was a Pod-sized device with multiple footswitches and controls for both chorus and vibrato.īy contrast, the mono-only Analog Chorus features only an Intensity and Speed control, and a true bypass On/Off switch. But for general use as a chorus or tremolo pedal, the tone and the envelope sound like the chorus section of the CE-1… only better! The Analog Chorus really surpassed the classic by delivering CE-1 tone without the noise commonly heard in a vintage pedal.

voodoo lab analog chorus

With a more limited set of controls than found on the classic, you can’t duplicate all of the sounds from the CE-1. The folks at Voodoo Lab call their Analog Chorus pedal a sonic replica of the BOSS CE-1, and in this statement they are partially right. Categoryģ.6 stars or better: Outstanding, WIHO AwardĢ stars or better: Suited to specific needs But a few pedals may come to share the badge one of the best, and one sheriff in town is most certainly the Voodoo Lab Analog Chorus. We don’t think any single chorus pedal should ever be crowned the best – one player’s favorite chorus tone may be considerably different than the tone sought by another player. Maybe you’d also like to know how it fairs in general as chorus pedals go.

voodoo lab analog chorus

You also want to know if it’s an exact replica of the legendary BOSS CE-1. Let’s get right to it, shall we? You want to know if this is the best sounding chorus pedal of all time.

Voodoo lab analog chorus